Priestory umenia v šedej zóne

Slovenská národná galéria
Tisková zpráva
30.06.2010 19:25
exhibition / exhibition

Slovak National Gallery / Slovenská národná galéria
Riečna 1
815 13 Bratislava

„art space in a gray zone“ / „priestory umenia v šedej zóne“
projects for transit / projects for transit

Vienna University of Technology
Department of Design and Theory of Design
Univ. Prof. Arch. DI András Pálffy

Slovak Technical University in Bratislava
Institute of Ecological and Experimental Architecture
Mgr. art. Martin Uhrík PhD

03/07/10 Exhibition Opening: / Otvorenie výstavy:

14:00 Slovak National Gallery / Slovenská národná galéria
Laco Teren (tranzit Bratislava)
Boris Marte (Erste Foundation / Nadácia Erste)
András Pálffy (UT Vienna / TU Viedeň)

16:00 tranzit space / priestory tranzitu
food, drinks and music / jedlo, nápoje a hudba

The exhibition “ART SPACES IN A GRAY ZONE” documents a series of architectural projects regarding the spatial, urban, and political situation of TRANSIT – a network of autonomous contemporary art initiatives and their specific situation in the city of Bratislava. Fifteen exhibited projects address themes such as landscape, exhibition space, and production factors in visual art. It documents how the “tensions” created by the given environment, i.e., the “gray zone” of the city, can inspire new and complex architectural solutions. Through a series of models and architectural drawings, this exhibition provides an overview of methods and design approaches developed at the Faculties of Architecture in Vienna and Bratislava, and introduces viewers to the activities of tranzit Bratislava.

Slovak National Gallery / Slovenská národná galéria

Monday / Pondelok: closed / zatvorené
Tuesday / Utorok: 10:00 – 17:30
Wednesday / Streda: 10:00 – 17:30
Thursday / Štvrtok: 10:00 – 17:30
Friday / Piatok: 10:00 – 17:30
Saturday / Sobota: 10:00 – 17:30
Sunday / Nedeľa: 10:00 – 17:30
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