
Prague – Bubeneč

8 08.07.2024 | At the former train station in Bubenč, a leisure center will open at the end of the holidays
0 30.04.2024 | The spiral at the Prague exhibition grounds will reopen on October 3 after renovations costing 300 million CZK
0 07.08.2023 | Workers began erecting the structure of the burned wing of the Industrial Palace
5 21.07.2023 | The reconstruction of Bubeneč Station into a multi-purpose social facility has begun
0 19.06.2023 | The renovation of the Spirála theatre at the Prague Exhibition Grounds will be 48.4 million CZK more expensive
0 19.05.2023 | The AVU studios, which were established 120 years ago, have been reconstructed for 48 million CZK
0 05.03.2023 | Jaroslav Kosek Architect 1909-2006 - presentation of the book at the ŠA AVU
0 01.06.2022 | In the Spejbl and Hurvínek Theatre, an extension with a new stage could be created
0 16.02.2022 | The study presents the future form of Letná Boulevard Korunovační
0 12.01.2022 | Michaela Türtscher: The Plastic Technician - lecture at the ŠA AVU
0 03.12.2021 | The repair of the roof of the Glass Palace in Prague 6 is expected to be completed in spring 2022
0 01.12.2021 | The rector of AVU will be Mária Topolčanská
0 04.11.2021 | The repair of the Spirála theater at the Exhibition Grounds will be completed by the end of 2022
0 22.09.2020 | The initiative for the rescue of villas in Bubenč will be presented with video mapping
0 31.08.2020 | Architecture of Coexistence - Bedřiška and Bellevue di Monaco - screening of KVU
0 12.08.2020 | The pilot project of picnic spots in Prague's Stromovka has started operation
0 16.10.2019 | Ministerstvo má dokumenty pro zařazení čistírny na seznam UNESCO
0 17.01.2019 | Dny otevřených dveří na AVU - zimní klauzury 2018/2019
0 21.11.2018 | Přednáškový cyklus „Středy na AVU“ - podzim 2018
0 02.11.2018 | Lukas Imhof: Midcomfort - přednáška na AVU
0 21.06.2018 | Jiné místo - festival a výstava na AVU
0 23.05.2018 | Středy na AVU - Memes and S(t)imulation / Diffractions Collective