Vinice Adega Mayor v Portugalsku od Álvaro Sizy

Petr Šmídek
01.06.2007 18:00
útlimasmag je novým internetovým projektem, který bude představovat vždy pouze jednu stavbu. Flashová animace se snaží navozovat iluzi tištěného média. Při listování desítkami stran kvalitních fotografií Fernando Guerry doprovázených Sizovými skicami a kompletní projektovou dokumentací vás totiž doprovází zvuk šustění papíru. První číslo útlimasmag představuje vinici Adega Mayor v portugalském Campo Maior, kterou vyprojektoval Álvaro Siza.

K vycizelovaným fotografiím neskutečně krásné stavby připojujeme autorův komentář z konce letošního ledna: „It is not easy to find an opportunity to construct something in the interior of a beautiful and intact landscape. It is also an enormous responsibility. The Nabeiro Group's new winery in Campo Maior is close to, but detached form its industrial complex. Visiting the site, I discovered two fundamentally orienting elemets for the project and the building site: a road, uniting the industrial complex; a levelled area of compacted clay, which up until now had been used as a rubbish tip, a hole excavated for the purpose. Thus, there is a slight levelling in a vast cultivated area of gentle rolling hills. The integrit of the natural landscape is reinforced and ordered by the existence of agricultural activity (the Nabeiro Group's cork-tree plantation and vineyard). These were the determining elements, associated with knowledge of the region's architecture. The 40x120m rectangle of the winery is situated over the existing cavity and lifts upwards in nearly blind 9m walls. Access for goods and visitors is located at the south-western end of the construction. The corresponding volume rises an additional floor, providing access to the panoramic trrace. At the opposite end is the prouction delivery ramp. In the parallel space betweeen the two ends extend the complex production track and the shade of the storage facility.“ Link>
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