Results of the competition for the design of the city hall and hall in Jeseník
Source Městský úřad Jeseník,
Publisher Martin Rosa
02.04.2009 20:10
The competition brief for "NEW BUILDING OF THE CITY OFFICE AND CITY HALL IN JESENÍK" was retrieved by a total of 80 interested parties, and 25 competition proposals were submitted for the first round. In the first round, the jury excluded 3 competition proposals (submitted after the deadline, failure to meet basic competition conditions). After the first round, the jury selected 5 competition proposals that advanced to the second round. The evaluation meeting of the second round took place on January 23, 2009.
The competition jury established the following order:
1st prize 485,000 CZK: Knesl + Kynčl s.r.o., Brno (Josef Hajný, Soňa Hložková, Jiří Knesl, Marie Kuželová, Jakub Kynčl, Tomáš Pavlíček, Václav Štojdl, Jan Weiss - competition proposal No. 9)
2nd prize 385,000 CZK: RUDIŠ-RUDIŠ ARCHITEKTI s.r.o., Brno (Ing. arch. Martin Komárek, ing. arch. Martin Rudiš, ing. arch. Alena Stehlíková; collaboration bc. David Bureš, bc. Tomáš Růžička, bc. Jan Vrbka - competition proposal No. 10)
3rd prize: not awarded (the funds were transferred to rewards)
Rewards of 65,000 CZK for proposals that proceeded to the 2nd round:
Ing. arch. Petr Malý; collaboration Zdeněk Chmel, Jan Kokeš and Miroslav Malý - competition proposal number 6
Ondřej Chybík, Tomáš Labanc, Ondřej Stehlík, doc. ing. Josef Chybík, CSc. - competition proposal number 12
Ing. Roman Repa, MgA. František Huber, MgA. Petra Oplatková, Jakub Doubner - competition proposal number 23
Reduced rewards of 20,000 CZK:
MgA. Ondřej Císler, academic architect, ing. arch. Pavel Hnilička, ing. arch. Marek Řehoř, ig. arch. Daniela Štefková - competition proposal number 4
Ing. arch. Jaromír Syrovátko, ing. arch. Bedřich Kostorek, ing. arch. Dušan Řezáč, ing. arch. Ondřej Syrovátko - competition proposal number 16
The total amount of approved funds for prizes and awards was 1,155,000 CZK
The competition jury was composed of:
Ing. arch. Zdeněk Jiran, independent member, jury chairman
Ing. arch. Gustav Křivinka, independent member
Ing. arch. Eva Špačková, independent member
Ing. Vladimír Cupal, dependent member
Ing. arch. Milan Matyáš, dependent member
Substitutes of the jury:
Ing. arch. Pavel Grasse, independent member
Ing. Ivo Pospíšil, dependent member.
The jury also had its auxiliary bodies, which were:
Reviewer of competition proposals: Ing. Ladislav Cabadaj
Secretary of the competition: Ing. Jan Chytil.
On March 16, 2009, the results of the competition were approved by the city council at its 78th meeting.
All proposals will be available for inspection at an exhibition that will be held from May 11 to May 17, 2009, at the Chapel in Jeseník and will be accessible to the public.