Martyn Dade-Robertson: Living Construction

Biotechnology in the Built Environment

Tisková zpráva
09.03.2020 07:40

Czech Republic


Mezioborová přednáška Martyna Dade-Robertsona je zaměřená na aktuální trendy v oblasti biotechnologií ve vztahu k prostředí a architektuře.

Přednáška proběhne v anglickém jazyce.
Presentation will be in English language.

The influential MIT Academic, Nicolas Negroponte, suggested, in his presentation at the 2017 Being Material conference, that “Biotech is the new digital”. His words are especially pertinent because his group, ‘Architecture and Machines’ (founded in 1967 and which eventually became MIT Media Lab) was pioneering in areas such as Computer-Aided Design and Ubiquitous Computing. In part thanks to this work, Digital Architecture is now a common feature of many Architecture Schools’ research programmes. We believe that, over the next decade Biotechnology will be taught and researched in much the same way.
Over the past decade we have pioneered some of this research at both Newcastle University and Northumbria University, but now we have an opportunity go much further. On the 1st of August 2019, we launched a research centre called The Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE). In this lecture I will introduce the broad idea of the Hub as well as some of the early work which we are developing in my lab and through our design studios.

Martyn Dade-Robertson - professor of Emerging Technology, Co-Director of the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment, Newcastle University.
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