The Berlage Sessions: Take Five Tales

On-line lecture by Francesca Torzo

The Berlage

Místo konání

so 03.4.2021 18:30

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Francesca Torzo

Tisková zpráva

zpět na článek
Francesca Torzo established her eponymous studio in Genova in 2008, after working for Peter Zumthor in Haldenstein and Bosshard Vaquer in Zurich, Switzerland. She studied architecture at the TU Delft, ETSAB Barcelona, AAM in Mendrisio, and the IUAV in Venice. She holds visiting professorships at the Bergen School of Architecture in Norway and at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio. In 2019, her office completed the Z33 house for contemporary art in Hasselt, Belgium.
The Berlage Keynotes is an ongoing lecture series featuring internationally prominent architects, designers, and thinkers who are at the forefront of design discourse and innovation. A selection of speakers working from different disciplinary perspectives and in different geographic, cultural, and political contexts present how their work engages with contemporary issues and debates. This spring semester, speakers include Christ & Gantenbein, OOZE, Francesca Torzo, Manthey Kula, PRODUCTORA, Anna Puigjaner, Vector Architects, Kieran Long, and Diener & Diener.
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