Čestná uznání za projekty v Belgii, Itálii a Srbsku

Martin Rosa
13.10.2008 16:15
Four projects received Acknowledgement prizes. A culturally-responsive urban village for the local Romani community in Belgrade, Serbia headed by local architect Vladimir Macura, and a Low-cost residence in an industrial estate in Ghent, Belgium by architectural firm Weysen De Baere both provide environmentally-sensitive solutions that are economical and based on the specific needs of the residents.

The use of passive design elements, natural ventilation, and incorporation of public spaces was applauded for an Office building with green “hypercore” in Milan, Italy by Zurich-based Hosoya Schaefer Architects. A Waterfront reclamation and remediation project in southern Italy by architect Luigi Centola was praised for its approach to recover degraded areas in a socially-driven, privately-initiated, and highly-transferable manner.
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