Pozvánka na přednášku A.Gebriana, D.Krause a M.Steinbachové na ETH v Curychu

o.s. Kruh
Tisková zpráva
10.11.2014 07:55
David Kraus
Marcela Steinbachová

Adam Gebrian / The second life

David Kraus / On the road

Marcela Steinbachová / On Architecture and With Architecture

November, 5th, 2014 at 7 p.m.
ETH Zurich, D-arch, Hönggerberg – HIL, Auditorium E 3 (Floor E, Room)

Adam Gebrian / The second life

For centuries, there has been a continuing dialogue taking place between the buildings from different periods in our country. Although different, these buildings have not been in striking contrasts but rather formed quite homogenous unity. A few years after 1989, it seemed that new buildings are preferable, and they are much more important than conversions, reconstructions and adaptations of the existing ones. But in last few years, because of many reasons, it seems that creative way how to use what we already have, is back on track. My lecture will focus on these examples.

Adam Gebrian (*1979)
Adam Gebrian is an architecture fan. He studied at the Faculty of Architecture in Liberec (2006) and a post-gradual program SCIFI at SCI-Arc in Los Angeles (2008). He studied and worked in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Prague, Paris, London, and Los Angeles. He has published a collection of lecture 29+3. He is a member of the board of editors in ERA21 magazine and participates in organization of Pecha Kucha Nights in Prague. He has his own radio show about architecture on Radio Wave since 2009. From 2009 to 2012 he has worked at the Faculty of Art and Architecture of TU in Liberec, since 2013 he has been teaching at Prague Institute coming under the North Carolina State University, and he took part in launching the first private school of architecture in the CR - ARCHIP. Once a week he writes an article about architecture for RESPEKT magazine (in 2010-2013 for Lidové noviny), he commented the public space in a show Gebrian vs. for Stream.cz, he has a blog on Echo24.cz. He curated the following exhibitions: Městské zásahy Praha 2010, Brno 2011 (Urban Interventions Prague, Brno), Ostrov pokladů (Treasure Island), Ze života lidí a domů (From the Life of Humans and Houses), and Anastomosis. He lives in Prague.

David Kraus / On the road
The story of one way of one man who is more attentive to living

David Kraus (*1970)
Studied at the Czech Technical University in Prague (1989-96), by professor Miroslav Šik. Since 2003 he has his own studio Architektura, s.r.o. His realizations can be found in the Czech Republic as well as abroad. In his work he develops his own alternative way of the modern conception of architecture, he uses unusual sources of inspiration and works with pictures and principles of today’s world. His experimental work was presented in the exhibition VIZE 1997. A short documentary called White Crows (Bílé vrány) was made about him for the Czech TV. He lectures; was a visiting teacher at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (VŠUP). He also writes and his work, presented in professional as well as public media, was awarded many times and is part of the collections of the National Gallery in Prague. Recently, he has been trying to work up a personal system that combines architecture, construction, drumming, and martial arts.

Marcela Steinbachová / On Architecture and With Architecture 

Marcela Steinbachová (*1975)
Marcela is one of the few female architects of the younger generation. Besides her own architectonic practice in a studio called Skupina, she actively promotes and supports architecture. She founded an independent civic association Kruh in 2011 that organizes lectures, discussions, excursions, film festivals about architecture, and a nation-wide feast Day of Architecture. 
She has taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, at the School of Architecture, as an assistant professor. Currently, she also works as an expert editor in a bi-monthly magazine on architecture ERA21. Marcela earned her bachelor’s degree in Arts from the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague; she attended the School of Architecture at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (VSUP), and graduated from the School of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU). She took part in a half-term residency at Cooper Union in New York, at the Universität für angewandte Kunst in Vienna, and Summer School of Architecture in Salzburg. 
Her portfolio includes for example: Franz Kafka Center, designed together with an American architect Steven Holl; extension of a farmhouse in Mohren, Switzerland; permanent exhibition in the Transportation Hall of the National Technical Museum; or adaptations of Prague cinemas Světozor and Aero and a theatre in Ostrava.

Adam Gebrian, The second life

Po dlouhá staletí se na našem území odehrával dialog mezi stavbami z odlišných období, které od sebe nebyly striktně odděleny, ale tvořily jeden celek. Pár let po roce 1989 se zdálo, že novostavby mají přednost, jsou mnohem důležitější než konverze, rekonstrukce a adaptace, ale posledních několik let naopak ukazuje, že už tomu tak naštěstí není. Právě na tyto ukázky dialogů mezi novým a již existujícím bude zaměřena moje přednáška.

Adam Gebrian (*1979)
Je fanoušek architektury. Vystudoval fakultu architektury v Liberci (2006) a postgraduální program SCIFI na SCI-Arc v Los Angeles (2008). Studoval a pracoval v Amsterdamu, Rotterdamu, Praze, Paříži, Londýně a v Los Angeles. Vydal sborník přednášek 29+3. Je členem redakční rady časopisu ERA21 a podílí se na organizaci Pecha Kucha Nights v Praze. Od roku 2009 působí jako moderátor vlastního pořadu o architektuře na Radio Wave. V letech 2009-12 působil na Fakultě umění a architektury TU v Liberci, od roku 2013 vyučuje na Prague Institute spadající pod North Carolina State University a podílel se na vzniku první soukromé školy architektury v Česku - ARCHIP. Jednou týdně vytváří seriál o současné architektuře pro Respekt (v letech 2010-13 pro Lidové noviny), veřejný prostor komentoval v pořadu Gebrian vs. na Stream.cz, má svůj blog na zpravodajském serveru Echo24.cz. Byl kurátorem výstav Městské zásahy Praha 2010, Brno 2011, Ostrov pokladů, Ze života lidí a domů a Anastomosis. Žije v Praze.

David Kraus, Na cestě

David Kraus (*1970)
Absolvent fakulty Českého vysokého učení technického v Praze (1989-96). Studoval u profesora Miroslava Šika, od roku 2003 vlastní ateliér Architektura, s.r.o. Jeho realizace jsou v Čechách i zahraničí. Při své práci rozvíjí vlastní alternativní cestu moderního pojetí architektury, pracuje s neobvyklými zdroji inspirací a s obrazy a principy současného světa. Jeho experimentální tvorba byla presentována na výstavě VIZE 1997. Byl o něm natočen dokument Bílé vrány (ČT). Přednáší, hostoval na VŠUP, publikuje, jeho práce byla oceněna řadou cen, je zastoupena v Národní galerii a presentována v odborných i laických médiích. V současnosti se snaží zpracovat osobní systém, který v sobě spojuje architekturu, stavění, bubnování a bojová umění.

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