Cyklus přednášek Days of Oris 12

Petr Šmídek
16.10.2012 16:35
O víkendu 20.-21. října 2012 se v chorvatském Záhřebu uskuteční již v dvanáctý ročník pravidelného přednáškového maratonu Days of Oris 12, jehož se tentokrát zúčastní osobnosti světové architektonické scény jako Helen & Hard, Antón García-Abril, Odile Decq, Saša Bradič, Marijan Hržić, Anttinen Oiva Arkkitehdit oy, Dominique Perrault, Bearth & Deplazes, Martha Thorne, Sou Fujimoto, Jeff Bickert a Karim Rashid. Součástí víkendové akce bude také zahájení výstavy Karima Rashida Ideology of Beauty a Bogdana Bogdanoviće The doomed Architect. Vstupné na letošní největší architektonickou událost na Balkáně stojí 65 euro (35 euro zaplatí studenty).

Více informací >

"Days of Oris" is the international symposium of architecture held on the last weekend in October. It has been organized by Arhitekst, the publisher of Oris magazine, for six years in a row.
"Days of Oris" is a two-day series of lectures by eminent architects who present their works, creative approaches and concepts, exploring the topic of construction through the lenses of different creative approaches. Visitors can hear at first-hand lectures by some of the most significant architects of our time, providing insight into a wide range of recent architectural research and practice. The high criteria for lecturer selection guarantee the relevance of "Days of Oris" as a valuable cultural contribution in Croatian and international contexts. Moreover, the symposium has established itself as a gathering place for the regional architectural scene.
As well to present major achievements of world architecture, "Days of Oris" wishes to show and promote local contemporary architecture, presenting one of the leading figures from the Croatian and Slovenian architectural scenes at each symposium.
The large number of architects and those interested in architecture that come together is perfect for the presentation of new technologies, materials and trends in the areas of architecture, civil engineering, interior design and similar. This is confirmed by the sponsors of "Days of Oris", since there have been more and more of them each year.
The steadily growing crowd of symposium participants is the best proof of success that "Days of Oris" has had in its promotion of contemporary architecture, attracting much attention from the professional and wider public.
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