An intermediate GRASSHOPPER workshop in Brno

Tisková zpráva
06.05.2015 09:45
an intermediate GRASSHOPPER workshop with Adrian Krężlik, Kacper Radziszewski (PL) and Ján Pernecký (SK)
on 29 - 31 May 2015
at PRAHA / Fórum pro architekturu a média, Husova 18 in BRNO, Czech Republic
regular fee 180€ / 4950 Kč, reduced fee 90€ / 2475 Kč
register at,
more at

The workshop will be held in English.

Workshops will establish algorithmic, iterative and emergent paradigms in architectural design and teach skill in the parametric/algotirhmic software Grasshopper. The first two of the workshops aim at the software tutorials, theoretical insight and abstract application. The last workshop will introduce the gained skills and approaches into practice through a site-specific urban-planning assignment.
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line up - program workshopu
jiri vitek
13.05.15 09:39
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